The NonHuman Primate Call System 274 Words 2 Pages A call system is a type of limited vocal communication system Animals such as monkeys and apes use call systems Like Laughing, Sobbing, Groaning, Screaming with fright, Sighing, and Crying with pain Nonhuman primates emphasize the use of body language14/3/22 Primates are separated roughly into three groups New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and Great apes Of these, chimpanzees, rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys, and marmosets have been used for biomedical research, while the Great apes are no longer permissible in invasive experiments mya, million years ago (B) Summary table of general information17/2/22 The total number of nonhuman primates in research in the US was 68,257 in 19 (the most recent year for which figures are available), according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) This figure—does not include the 40,269 primates who were not assigned to research and who were instead part of laboratories' breeding colonies Fro...